Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Digital Images

Digital Images in the History Classroom, by Stephanie D. van Hover, Kathleen Owings Swan, Michael J. Berson

The article argues for the use of digital images in the teaching students a deeper understanding of history. The use of primary source digital images can engage students to learn historical skills like: chronological thinking, comprehension, research analysis and interpretation. With the Internet, access to primary sources has been made easy and should be use by the history teacher to engage their students in historical study not just the memorizing of facts. Projects like chronologically listing photographs is example of the the deeper level of understand about history. After analyzing the photographs, looking at clues like hairstyles, cars, tools or clothes the students must state analytically why they choose the historical order of the photographs. The project increases the students understanding of how things change over time. I believe that most people learn better if they can connect an image to an idea. I think digital tools will increase students understanding of the historical events. The deeper understanding of how things are perceived through the digital image will help students beyond the history classroom in understanding and correctly analyzing all types of information.

Q1 How would I use digital images to further connect students and increase their skills of historical study?

A1 I would have students use digital images of their own history to create time lines and showed the changes over time. I think this project could show students how they are interwoven in the fabric of history.

Q2 How can the dangers of digital manipulation be connected to learning?

A2 Showing the digital manipulation of photographs and documentation students can learn more about the interpretation of primary sources. The deeper understand of primary sources and the skills to use them can open a wider understanding of history.

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