Thursday, March 12, 2009

Lewis and Clark: An Online Odyssey

Lewis and Clark: An Online Odyssey, By Gail Lovely

Gail Lovely highlights what the Internet has to offer students of all age who are attempting to discover information about Lewis and Clark. The article also list many helpfully links to websites with Lewis and Clark themes. She presents ideas on how to use the web in sections by age groups. For Kindergarten through Second grade show how you could use dogs breeds that travel with the Corps of Discovery. The students can look at pictures of dogs and connect them with the breeds of Lewis and Clark. Gail shows how older student could use the Internet to create, writing, visual and research projects. I think that she present very good information and easy to use ideas for all teachers. She also connects the lesson idea with Web sites.

Q1. Would this type of project be good in the classroom?
A2. I think this type of Internet project is great use of the technology. The cost is small and the time to create is not great.

Q2. How would I use the Internet in a high school class?
A2. I would help the students to learn how to use the Internet to access good information for research.

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