Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Updating the Research Paper

Updating the Research Paper, by Werner Liepolt

The author of this article describes creating a new lesson plan for high school juniors. At Staples High School in Westport CT., the students using hand written notes, cards, outlines on their research projects. Liepolt integrated the newer technologies that are easily available like: spreadsheets, mind maps, outlines, Internet and PowerPoint. A new unit of research study was developed over the summer and implemented across many classrooms. The unit trained students in using the new technology for their research papers. An online component, consisting of power points, training and ideas for developing research papers, was presented as well as the in class work. Students were able to save notes and create outlines without carrying around lots of pieces of paper that can become disorganized. The teachers found that students first drafts, for the most part, were further developed than in the past. I found it interesting that there was still a high school that would be using older concepts of note taking and outlining. With most of the business world completely committed to Microsoft's office, it seems to me very important that students should be trained on all levels of this software. The process of collecting and storing information digitally should be integrated into education at the earliest possible levels.

Q1. What is an idea on how I could use technology for research papers?
A1. I really like the idea of students using mind maps and visual aids, like power point, in brainstorming ideas for research papers. The use of visual images in developing historical research papers can be very strong and help engage the student in the subject that they are researching.

Q2. What are some of the drawbacks of new technology?
A2. The main drawback I can see to the moving away from all hand written notes and documentation in creating research papers would be the temptation of students to plagiarize information from digital sources. The teacher has to be vigilant against this type of cheating and reinforce the ideas of Digital citizenship to the students at all times.

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